In the third episode of this weekly bite-sized WALKING DEAD post-mortem, Dr. Arnold T. Blumberg (DOC OF THE DEAD; ZOMBIEMANIA; “Zombies in Popular Media” at the University of Baltimore; world renowned zombie expert) reviews this week’s devastating episode, “The Grove!” Some barbecued Walkers (that probably wandered by Beth and Daryl’s cookout) pop by for a visit, while Carol and Tyreese are left reeling when Lizzie loses it once and for all. Oh wait, we didn’t mention Mika or Judith, did we? Where are they…never mind, just look at the flowers.
Find out what was good, what wasn’t so good, and what sort of grade the Doctor thinks the episode deserves. With G2V Podcast producer and co-host Scott Woodard!
Show Music: “Bitter Pill” (feat. Vosmoy) by Still Pluto.
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