Sat, 21 September 2019
We start off with “Information Please.” Are you up on the wives of King Henry VIII, children in literature, Shakespeare, and soup? Get ready to stump the experts. Then on “The Abbott and Costello Show,” Lou returns to his old grade school, P.S. #15 in Patterson, NJ to appear in a production of “Romeo and Juliet.”
Information Please May 30, 1941 “Guests: Jan Struther and Cornelia Otis Skinner” 1:41
The Abbott and Costello Show November 16, 1944 “Lou Visits His Grade School” 31:03
Direct download: Presenting_the_Transcription_Feature_-_INFORMATION_PLEASE_and_ABBOTT_AND_COSTELLO.mp3
Category:Presenting the Transcription Feature -- posted at: 8:04am EDT
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