Sat, 8 July 2017
Greek restaurateurs have their say on this episode of “Presenting the Transcription Feature.” We start off with a fictional one, the loveable Parky of “Meet Me at Parky’s.” A famous food critic is coming to his restaurant, and Parky is desperate for a good write-up. So desperate that he looks for help from con-man Orville Sharpe, the only person of Parky’s acquaintance with more of a talent for malapropisms than he. Then, on “You Bet Your Life,” Groucho Marx welcomes an actual Greek restaurateur. Other contestants include a Las Vegas masseur and a real-life “Rosie the Riveter.”
Meet Me at Parky’s March 3, 1946 “Visit from a Gourmet” 2:19
You Bet Your Life April 21, 1954 “The Secret Word is People” 32:33
Direct download: Presenting_the_Transcription_Feature_-_MEET_ME_AT_PARKYS_and_YOU_BET_YOUR_LIFE.mp3
Category:Presenting the Transcription Feature -- posted at: 12:50pm EDT