Tue, 16 June 2020
We start off with another episode of “The Aldrich Family,” that domestic sitcom featuring the adventures of teen-ager Henry Aldrich. This episode, centering on a neighborhood wedding, is several notches above the usual fare, with some particularly clever lines and funny misunderstandings – all the elements you need for a solid sitcom. Then let’s test our collective brainpower with an episode of “Information Please.” Are you up on famous elopements, occupations of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence, and schoolteachers in fiction?
Episodes The Aldrich Family May 13, 1948 “Date with Helen Forbes” aka “Wedding Day Date with Helen Forbes” 1:47 Information Please “Guests: Lyman Bryson and Henry Noble McCracken” 30:18
Direct download: Presenting_the_Transcription_Feature_-_THE_ALDRICH_FAMILY_and_INFORMATION_PLEASE.mp3
Category:Presenting the Transcription Feature -- posted at: 9:37am EDT