Tue, 5 August 2014
Here's how Tim describes this episode: "I’ve known Dan & Travis for almost 20 years now and they’ve been making the funny for just as long. They’ve produced radio talk shows over several generations of the ever changing media landscape. On this episode, they share with us how they design their shows, how they’ve adapted to the changing times and offer some good screenwriting reminders/advice even though they’re a non-screenwriting source. The Dan & Travis podcast is an awesome listen featuring hilarious but thought-provoking looks at the news, pop culture and the hardest trivia game on the planet (for reals, it’s terrifying) And I’m not just saying that because they’ve let me piggy back on their stream as a sister-show and feature me as a guest debunking conspiracy theories and such. A great fun listen on both good days and bad, it can found on the links below and is featured on the prestigious Chronic Rift podcasting network. Sit back, relax and enjoy some radio genius." Comment on this episode here or by writing john@chronicrift.com.
Dan Lackaye is simply in search of truth and hilarity, in no particular order.
Travis Searle is not to be confused with the actor of the same name.
Links The Dan & Travis Show on iTunes