Mon, 16 December 2019
What would Christmas be without Jack Benny going Christmas shopping and doing it on the cheap? On this episode of “The Jack Benny Show,” Jack tries to decide between metal- or plastic-tipped shoe laces as a gift for Don Wilson. Then on “Fibber McGee and Molly,” Fibber tries to make a fruitcake using an old family recipe, but his lack of skills (not to mention smarts) keeps getting in the way.
The Jack Benny Show December 8, 1946 “Jack Buys Don Shoe Laces for Christmas” 2:06
Fibber McGee and Molly December 16, 1947 “Aunt Sarah’s Fruitcake” 32:00
Direct download: Presenting_the_Transcription_Feature_-_JACK_BENNY_and_FIBBER_MCGEE_AND_MOLLY.mp3
Category:Presenting the Transcription Feature -- posted at: 10:54am EDT
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