Sun, 5 January 2014
(RIGHT CLICK THE IMAGE TO SAVE THE EPISODE TO YOUR COMPUTER) A new year brings with it a new Doctor on Doctor Who. Before we can get to that, we need to review how we got to the regeneration. This episode is specially dedicated to the 50th anniversary of Doctor Who with all the specials that were offered to celebrate. John, Keith, Mike, and Krissy offer their thoughts on all the offerings in a new In Review episode. Plus, we manage to talk about a few other different things from Dan Persons and Keith as well. Comment on this episode here or by writing or by calling 888-866-9010.
Segment One: Bringing it to the Table 2:57 - Krissy gets the ball rolling with the Paul McGann web video, "Night of the Doctor". 12:24 - John continues by praising the docu-drama, An Adventure in Space and Time. 22:57 - Mike is next as he talks about the Peter Davison produced, The Five(ish) Doctors. 28:37 - Finally, Keith talks about all the Doctor Who goodness being offered in celebration of the 50th anniversary over at 36:11 - Promo for the Adventures of Indiana Jim Podcast 37:09 - Promo for the 2 Schooners Podcast
Segment Two: Reviews 38:45 - A discussion on the merits of characters like Merida from Brave ensues when Dan reviews Frozen. 46:46 - Keith likes the science fiction of Almost Human, but not the police procedual aspects of the show. Plus, he's happy that Elementary has become appointment television. 57:42 - Promo for the HG World Podcast 59:12 - Promo for Cyborgs: A Bionic Podcast Segment Three: Pop Tops 1:01:03 - We discuss the final element of the 50th anniversary celebration, "The Time of the Doctor". Overall, we felt Moffat let Matt Smith down with his treatment.
Direct download: In_Review_-_The_Chronic_Rift_of_the_Doctor.mp3
Category:The Chronic Rift In Review -- posted at: 5:29pm EDT