Wed, 28 October 2009
John sits down and learns more about the upcoming television series, The Fixer, from creator and producer John F. Merz. Don't forget to rate the episode at the bottom of this listing and make sure you comment on it here.
As a writer, Jon F. Merz has published over a dozen novels including four Lawson Vampire adventures (2002-2003) with Kensington's Pinnacle Books, the Jake Thunder mystery/thriller DANGER-CLOSE (2004) with Five Star Mystery/Thorndike Press, and eight installments in the internationally bestselling adventure series Rogue Angel (2006-present) with Harlequin's Gold Eagle line. His latest thriller PARALLAX debuted in March 2009 as an exclusive ebook. Praised by bestselling authors like Robert B. Parker, Douglas Clegg, and Thomas Monteleone, Jon's novels will continue to thrill readers for many years to come. His short fiction story "Prisoner 392" (appeared alongside Stephen King in FROM THE BORDERLANDS, 2004, Warner Books) earned him an Honorable Mention in 2004's Year's Best Fantasy & Horror edited by Ellen Datlow. Jon has also co-authored two non-fiction books: LEARNING LATER, LIVING GREATER with Nancy Merz Nordstrom (2006, Sentient Publications) and THE COMPLETE IDIOT'S GUIDE TO ULTIMATE FIGHTING with Rich "Ace" Franklin (2007, Alpha Books/Penguin/Putnam) In October 2009, Jon will partner with author Joe Nassise for the debut of HELLstalkers, a new action series in conjunction with Blackbetty GmbH in Vienna available for cellphone users exclusively on the Vodafone network.
Direct download: 0048_-_The_Chronic_Rift_Spotlight_-_John_F_Merz.mp3
Category:The Chronic Rift Spotlight -- posted at: 3:00pm EDT
Tue, 13 October 2009
Keith recently sat down with the man himself, Paul Cornell, and discussed Doctor Who and writing for comics. Make sure you take a moment to rate the episode at the bottom of this entry and comment on it in the forums. Paul Cornell is a novelist as well as a comics and TV writer. He is best known for his work on Doctor Who in both literary and television formats. In addition, Paul created Bernice Summerfield, a fan-favorite in the Doctor Who universe. His comic works include Captain Britain and MI-13 as well The X-Men:
Direct download: 0046_-_The_Chronic_Rift_Spotlight_-_Paul_Cornell.mp3
Category:The Chronic Rift Spotlight -- posted at: 3:00pm EDT