Thu, 4 January 2018
The vid-cast is back and with a new twist for the new year. The show is being recorded live on Facebook via the Home Game Show Podcast page. If you're on Facebook, follow the page for when new episodes are going live.
In this episode, we're looking at Password. The game has run on and off television on all three networks since the early 1960's. And yet, it's got one of the most simple premises - guess the word via a series of one word clues. But the real secret to the success of Password is the celebrities who would come on to play.
John takes a brief look at the history of the series and shows off some of the home versions that are available, including Endless Games' Second Edition of the game that will be the focus of our gameplay next episode.
Direct download: 10000000_904519556390335_7536714014366105600_n.mp4
Category:Home Game Show Version Podcast -- posted at: 3:22pm EDT
Sun, 12 March 2017
We come to the actual gameplay of the first home game for our vid-cast. Contestants Stephanie and Billy battle it out in three rounds where they learn that nines are their enemy and there is clearly a difference in thinking when it comes to East Coast and West Coast. Watch until the end and learn who wins and who decides what the next game to review will be. Would you like to play? Contact John here on the website or by visiting our Facebook page.
Direct download: HGSVP20-20Card20Sharks.m4v
Category:Home Game Show Version Podcast -- posted at: 7:16pm EDT
Thu, 23 February 2017
The podcast is back, but with a new look and attitude. Actually, it's not a podcast so much as vid-cast now. John explains in this episode what the show is going to be like going forward. In the first of two parts, John introduces the game that will be played, Card Sharks, giving a brief history of the show on TV and introducing the components of the game. Finally, he offers an episode of the game show from its original run.
Want to be part of the fun? Have a game show favorite you'd like to play? Write John at and let him know what are your favorite game shows. When we come up to it, you could be one of the people considered to play.
Direct download: Home_Game_Show_1.m4v
Category:Home Game Show Version Podcast -- posted at: 8:27pm EDT
Thu, 15 October 2015
A new show joins the network as we look at old home game show versions of television game shows. In the first outing of the podcast, John is joined by Stephanie and Ricky and they play The Joker's Wild. Does the game hold up to the test of time? Do the contestants hold up to the questions? Take a listen and you decide if the devil got everyone in the end.
And here's a standard episode of the series with host Jack Berry from 1974.
Direct download: 1_-_The_Jokers_Wild.mp3
Category:Home Game Show Version Podcast -- posted at: 8:46pm EDT